CT Consults

Archive for November, 2016

Combining contemporary fashion and film with women’s WW1 experiences

Posted on: November 20th, 2016 by ctcAdmin

In collaboration with 14-18 NOW and Manchester Art Gallery we worked together to target younger audiences to view this new fashion and films exhibition, Fashion and Freedom. We created an innovative marketing campaign which both raised the profile of the exhibition in Manchester’s cultural calendar and worked hard to reach those younger audiences. Working closely with Manchester Art Gallery’s staff, maximising their existing communications strengths and identify opportunities to try new things.

We also worked with a range of partners across the city to bring in younger, non-traditional audiences to this new exhibition inspired by women during the First World War as part of the World War 1 Centenary Commissions.  The exhibition featured contemporary fashion by some of the UK’s leading female designers including Dame Vivienne Westwood and Roksana, and a series of short films, some of which we screened outdoors and at Selfridges during the Student Big Night Out.

View CTConsults’ case study – A contemporary take on war-time stories

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