The team here at CTConsults makes a conscious effort to do something together once a month during working hours. This routine monthly occurrence is dubbed ‘Culture Club’ and let me tell you why we do it and what we’ve been up to.
During 2023, we got out and about and experienced a wide range of events – not just limited by culture. We saw Factory International in each stage of its opening, from Jerram’s First Breath, socialising in a sunny Festival Square and then seeing the extent of its exhibition space with You Me and The Balloons. Some of our other highlights include, The Manchester Flower Festival, The Science and Industry Museum’s The Power of Music and A Phantom’s Remains at the esea contemporary. We even escaped to the seaside, wrapped up warm for Blackpool’s Lightpool, which adds a contemporary, cultural take to the town’s annual, famous Illuminations.
Now, having organised time to socialise as a team has its obvious benefits: it’s fun, it gives us something to look forward to and it lets us get to know one another outside of the office. It is also important to the work we do as consultants.Immersing ourselves in these different experiences allows us to see, first hand, the sectors we work to support, taking inspiration from stimulating new ideas and practice. By no means do we attend Culture Club with notebooks and magnifying glasses at the ready – quite the opposite. We go, we enjoy, we experience and then we talk, chat and share our thoughts. What better way to gauge the impact of the current cultural and experience market than as an active participant.
That is why every last Friday in the month you’ll find us all gone early doors. Let us know if there is something we should see at your place as we will definitely take a look.